Tuesday, July 20, 2010


My left hand is quite pain.
Some more,
just now had cut my left hand's finger too.
Am I so clever? XD
Wrap book also can cut my thumb.

I found that,
Family is better.
They are the one who always beside me,
ready to listen all my trouble,
encourage me and
support me.
They see my tears, comfort me.
I didn't means that friend are not important.
They are also a part of my life.
something has change.
Temper? and so on..
Good or bad? I don't know.
I just feel like..
I'm stand in the center.
I'm worry I'll say wrong things.
I'm not a people who had 'two faces'
I worry my opinion will let them feel like
I'm such a person like that.
Human being really complicated,
especially their mind-thinking.
Sometimes will contrary to our expected.

1 comment:

  1. the pic u still keep it o? me 2. lot of memory. i believe tat true wont change whatever wat happened. if the friendship change easily, means tat the friendship not strong enought n not true friendship.
    but nowadays relationship between ppl very week. broke easily like a glass.
