LOL..Tomolo trial exam la..Study hard..But my brain just empty..Give me strenght a..Lord..Starbuck..My lunch 2day..haha..Din bring bobo and momo go..hehe..Actually I taught just went there had my lunch only..Who know mummy gai gai parade too..haiz..We gai gai until 5 something..then we go 'Kimberly' have my dinner too..hehe..we din buy anything..haha..Now wanna burn midnight oil lo..Kambatek la..
Yummy yummy ..We eat steamboat yesterday..RM19.60 per person..Quite cheap and nice..Enjoy..Tom Yam's soup..hehe..Then,some of them lost their voice today ..Opss..Drink more water la..hehe.. :p
心中曾經天真的疑問黑夜里會不會出現彩虹的顏色誰說這遐想絕對不可能牽著你的手下一秒奇跡就發生生活里會遇到許多波折就算我們的小舟劃在逆流的河謝謝你改變了我的人生我愛你在我們的每一段旅程**我會記得你和我約定終生的情歌傻傻的你不由自主地跟著我哼命運拉近我們 這就是緣分所以我愿意為你守候一生我不舍得 你對我說再見的那一刻現在的我只是想要簡單的快樂看见微笑了 我也满足了別问我愛你有多深有幾分
lately i've been thinkingabout the things that we've been throughand i don't know if i'd be here,if not for youi had to take a little timeto try to work things outand you should know thati have never meant to let you downcause i, iwanna tell you that i'm sorryand i, ieven when i'm not giving enoughand i'm taking too muchyou're still there for meeven when i got nothing at alland i'm ready to fallstill there for methere for methere for meeven when i can't be there for youyou're always there for mesometimes i know i can beso hard to understand (it's ok)even when i'm lostyou show me who i really amlife with me hasn't always been an easy ridebut because of you i've learnedto lose my selfish pridecause i, i wanna tell you that i'm sorry and i, i even when i'm not giving enough and i'm taking too much you're still there for me even when i got nothing at all and i'm ready to fall still there for me there for methere for me even when i can't be there for you you're always there for meoh you're always there for me yeahoh no it's loveooooouuhhh (oooohhh)it must be loveooohhhit's gotta be real love(it's gotta be real love)even when i'm not giving enough and i'm taking too much you're still there for me even when i got nothing at all and i'm ready to fall still there for me there for methere for me even when i can't be there for youeven when i can't be there for you you're always there for me(when i can't be there)
I gotta say what's in my mindsomething about usdoesn't seem right these dayslife keeps getting in the waywhenever we try,somehow the planis always rearrangedit's so hard to saybut I've gotta do what's best for meyou'll be ok.I've go to move on and be who i amI just don't belong hereI hope you understandwe might find our place in this world somedaybut at least for nowI gotta go my own awaydon't wanna leave it all behindbut I get my hopes upand I watch them fall every timeanother colour turns to greyand it's just too hard to watch it allslowly fade awayI'm leaving today'cause I've gotta do what's best for meyou'll be ok..I've got to move on and be who i amI just don't belong hereI hope you understandwe might find our place in this world somedaybut at least for nowI gotta go my own awaywhat about us?what about everything we've been through?what about trust?you know I never wanted to hurt youand what about me?
what am I supposed to do?I gotta leave but I'll miss youI'll miss youso...I've got to move on and be who i amwhy do you have to go?I just don't belong hereI hope you understandI'm trying to understandwe might find our place in this world somedaybut at least for nowI want you to stayI wanna go my own wayI've got to move on and be who i amI just don't belong hereI hope you understandwe might find our place in this world somedaybut at least for nowI gotta go my own away
living in my own worlddidn't understandthat anything can happenwhen you take a chancei never believed inwhat i couldn't seei never opened my heart (oh~)to all the possiblities oohi know that something has changednever felt this wayand right here tonightthis could be the start of something newit feels so rightto be here with you oohand now i'm lookin' in your eyesi feel in my heart (feel in my heart)the start of something newoh,yeah~now who'd have ever thought thatwe'd both be here tonightooh,yeahand the world looks so much brighter (brighter, brighter)oh, with you by my side (by my side)i know that something has changed, never felt this wayi know for real (real)this could be the start of something newit feels so right to be here with youand now lookin' in your eyesi feel in my heartthe start of some thing newi never knew that it could happen till it happend to meoh,yeahi didn't know it before but now it's easy to see oh!it's the start of something newit feels so right to be here with you oh~and now i'm lookin' in your eyesi feel in my heartthat it's the start of something newit feels so right to be here with you oh~and now looking in your eyesi feel in my heart (feel in my heart)the start of something newthe start of something newthe start of something new
it's funny when you find yourselflooking from the outsidei'm standing here but all i wantis to be over therewhy did i let myself believemiracles could happen'cause now i have to pretendthat i don't really carei thought you were my fairytalea dream when i'm not sleepinga wish upon a star that's coming truebut everybody else could tellthat i confused my feelingswith the truthwhen there was me and youi swore i knew the melodythat i heard you singingand when you smiled you made me feellike i could sing alongbut then you went and changed the wordsnow my heart is emptyi'm only left with used-to-be'sand once upon a songnow i know you're not a fairytaleand dreams were meant for sleepingand wishes on a star just don't come true'cause now even i can tellthat i confused my feelingswith the truthbecause i liked the viewwhen there was me and youi can't believethat i could be so blindit's like you were floatingwhile i was fallingand i didn't mindbecause i liked the viewi thought you felt it toowhen there was me and you
Somebody say,Frenz just like our hand and eyes..Wen our hand getting hurt..Our eyes will cry..Wen our eyes sad..Our hand will wipe the tears..Izit true?
My introduceI'm not a really mature girl..Although I'm 17..I still love to watch cartoon..I still love to do some childish things..sometimes will sing some children song with my frens..Actually,at the beginning..1st time u meet me..U will see me like a bit fierce..LOL..Then,I'll seldom talk with you..U will think I'm a quiet girl..LOL~So many ppl told me b4..but..Tat is me..butWen u deeply know me..U will find out..I'm just like a primary skull children..CHILDISH GIRL..LOL..I'm admit it..heheJust same as wen I at my my my house.especially wen I'm alone in my room..or doing my Homework..LOL..TAT IS ME..A childish girl..But I love my life..I enjoy it..Happy..
I love to view the night sky full of star..and a bright moon hang on there..How a beautiful night sky..I viewed it before..wen I joined a camp at Pangkor..Enjoyed at tat time..Laying on the beach..listening the wave's sound..Sweet ..LOVE,I crazy again with Bobo..We had post many song lyrics on FB..Hehe..No matter is children's song orpopular song LOL~No choice..Tat is me..haha..Wen she off9 liao..She going to McD..Ishhh..Eat my favorite dessert- Mc flurry!!!!!!Beside tat,she sms tell me..Yerrrrrr..MY MC FLURRY!!!!!!!!!!!wuwuwuwu..Bobo, U bully me....LOL~
I'm ponteng skull today..Actually I didn't plan it..Morning wen I wake up..I told mummy ,Can I skip skull today a..Today juz arranged table..I didn't tell anyone..Just suddenly happen..
Mummy allow it ..
She gave the permission ...
I think Momo... they taught I will attend skull today..Hehe..
Just edit..Hope they like it..LOL~~ FRIEND FOREVER ~
~ TIRED ~~ SLEEPY ~today, our team were won in the presentation..LOL~We won RM 10 Mc's voucher as price and RM10 Digi reload per person..Anyway,Thanks a lot for our captain la..He did a good job la..Thanks!!Haiz..My ji mui getting shoot by some1..Dear..Let them say as their like la..Wat can we do la..We can't control their mouth..As them like la..No point if we angry them..Suan le ba..I was difficult to eat mt dish today..No matter is Burger ..Pan mee..My favourite food..Can't enjoy it as well as I can..Becoz..My tongue not yet recover..Auser not go yet..Still PAIN!!Music--something important for me..I love music..I hope to play well..Just now was playing a games..Tat games said to me ,I will have next relationship soon..would I? LOL~Just feel funny on it..Wat kind of fren am I?Wat kind of girl am I?I know I not the best.. I know I have weak point..But..I hope tat I can to be good with all ppl..Can I?Will I?Should I?May I?frens..Buddy..guys..girls..Sorry the mistakes tat I had did..Sorry..
Trial exam is coming soon..haiz..worry and,I getting a bit crazy wen tuition..dun know why..I just can playing crazy with my buddy..Bobo. Momo. Toto.Wowo..LOL~we can sing children song together..LOL~After skull,mummy wanna me buy 3 cup of 'ham cha' (a chinese tea)One of them is mine..Opsssssssssss..bcoz i getting auser in my mouth..PAIN!!!beside tat..I had bite my tongue yesterday..wen I enjoying my 'ROTI CANAI' ..PAIN!!!but,I didn't tell to my buddy and mummy..They will scold me with angry face..and..many food will rejected by them..Can't be like this la..I'm will very 'guai' la..Will drink a lot of water la..yup,The the beginning..I taught it is bitter..but ,after I drink it..I dun wan drink second time liao la..It is salty!!!same as eating a spoon of salt..Vuat!!Vomit la..LOL~finally I 'dey' mummy help me finish it..I can't tahan la..LOL~I love u mummy!!Muazks..LOL~
I think I 'm not going to the Genting's trip~sorry~ buddy..not joining u all..sorry..sorry..sorry..The main reason is..I worry I'm not free at tat time..and.. the permission from mummy a bit difficult..sorry ~ buddy..sorry~beside tat,almost all of you are walking with lover wor..How come I be the 'sport light' ' chang ngan'..LOL~Anyway..So so so so so sorry buddy~
Never give up,For something special ..such as..your dream..your hope..but,sometimes,something only will give u 1 choice..The only choice~is GIVE UP..let him go is the better way~in a relationship..When..He doesn't love you anymore~WhenHis heart..His love..His promises..had GONE..In this situation,you will know tat no other solution except LET HIM GO~no matter how deep u love on matter how hurt u matter how sad u are..take away ur hand..Life is still going on..The truth u wanna face it..Let God give u the strength..